
Barani International School

Our Moto

                                                                                                                           “Dedication to Excellence”
This school prepares students to involve in every little thing they do. Also strive to make them happy and encourage to create things interestingly where he finds himself a difference when he does something with dedication – in turn the child is ready to excel.


Red color day celebration for KG

Red color day celebration for KG

Starting Date:Sat, 7th Jul 2018

Ending Date:Sat, 7th Jul 2018

nature production day for kg

Starting Date:Sat, 29th Dec 2018

Ending Date:Sat, 29th Dec 2018

christmas celebration day

Starting Date:Fri, 21st Dec 2018

Ending Date:Fri, 21st Dec 2018

tree plantation day

Starting Date:Thu, 20th Dec 2018

Ending Date:Thu, 20th Dec 2018

tamil speech competiton & fancy dress competition grade (4-8)

Starting Date:Tue, 18th Dec 2018

Ending Date:Tue, 18th Dec 2018

vegetable carving day grade (1-8)

Starting Date:Sat, 15th Dec 2018

Ending Date:Sat, 15th Dec 2018

fancy dress competition grade (1-3)

Starting Date:Thu, 13th Dec 2018

Ending Date:Thu, 13th Dec 2018

pet animals day celebration for kg

Starting Date:Sat, 1st Dec 2018

Ending Date:Sat, 1st Dec 2018

rain day celebration for kg

Starting Date:Wed, 28th Nov 2018

Ending Date:Wed, 28th Nov 2018

fruity friday celebration for kg

Starting Date:Fri, 23rd Nov 2018

Ending Date:Fri, 23rd Nov 2018